Advanced Technology. Proven Performance.
Dec 08
4 Large Shredder Sales

WENDT CORPORATION Expands Market Share with Four Large Shredder Sales and Installations

WENDT CORPORATION continues its leadership position as a shredder manufacturer with the announcement of four large shredder plant sales and installations. At the forefront of these sales is WENDT’s HEAVY Shredder product line, ranging from 4,000-10,000 HP. These are our most robust designs and incorporate many unique features and the latest in shredding technology. The recent sales enhance WENDT’s portfolio of modern shredder installations and demonstrate the company’s commitment to continuously innovate. WENDT expects these shredders to set new industry standards for performance, reliability, safety, and efficiency.

WENDT is currently installing an 82 HEAVY Shredder in the USA, the first of the four large shredders sold in the last year. This 82-inch by 115-inch shredder includes WENDT’s first 4,000 HP AC motor with Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). The VFD technology allows operators to maximize the shredder’s production while minimizing their operating cost by taking advantage of the drives ability to control the motors power consumption and peaks. This shredder also incorporates WENDT’s popular modular design features, including modular hydraulic and electrical control rooms. The shredder plant also consists of an ILG Sound Enclosure and a ferrous downstream system that will produce high quality, low copper shred.

The second among the four large shredders sold is a 98×104 shredder slated for installation in South Korea. Representing WENDT’s first shredder sold into the Asian market, the 98” shredder features a 5,000 HP motor. Currently in transit, this shredder is on track for commissioning in the second quarter of 2024. The entry into the Asian market not only expands WENDT’s global reach and strategic expansion but also reflects the trust and demand for WENDT’s advanced shredding technology in a dynamic and growing market.

“Over the last decade, the interest has primarily been focused on our smaller shredder product line as the demand for large shredders remained relatively flat,” said Ethan Willard, Global Director of Business Development. “However, the interest for our HEAVY Shredders has increased in recent years, which is indicative of a healthy metals market that is driven by a need for modern, clean, sustainable, and efficient shredder plants that operate at a lower cost and recover a greater percentage of valuable metals.”

The culmination of this year’s large shredder sales includes two WENDT 106 HEAVY Shredders. Both 106-inch by 115-inch shredders boast a 6,000 HP motor with VFD technology. Destined for installation in the USA in 2024, these HEAVY 106 Shredders mark the pinnacle of technological sophistication. Notably, one of the HEAVY 106 shredders will represent WENDT’s third greenfield installation with a complete shredder emission control system. This innovative system includes an ILG Emissions Enclosure, APC Ultra High-Efficiency Filter (UHF®), Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO), and Acid Gas Scrubber (AGS). The emissions system represents WENDT’s second full-scale installation designed to meet the strictest EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) standards. The systems allow customers to comply with regulatory limits for PM emissions (Total Particulate Matter, PM10, PM2.5), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and acid gases. The plant will also highlight an advanced low copper shred downstream.

“The state-of-the-art features incorporated into this HEAVY 106 shredder plant, encompassing the shredder, downstream, and emission control system, position this installation as one of the cleanest, safest, and environmentally progressive shredder plants ever built,” Willard said.

In addition to expanding its market share with four larger shredder sales, WENDT has also experienced success with their smaller shredder line, 500-2,500 HP, this year with the sale and installation of 10 additional shredders worldwide. “We have remained busy on our smaller shredder line with the sale and/or installation of (2) 4050’s, a 5050, a 6060, (5) M6090’s (Modular) and a T6090 (Tracked),” Willard said. These shredders will serve a wide range of applications from aluminum sheet, extrusions, cast, automobile shred and includes our first mobile machine.

WENDT’s success in totaling 14 shredder plant sales shows the company’s commitment to delivering innovative solutions and reaffirms its position as a preferred choice for advanced shredding technology. The company’s strategic vision and pursuit of excellence continue to drive advancements in shredder technology, setting new standards for performance, efficiency, and environmental sustainability.

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